AfriForum pak 43 munisipaliteite

Die burgerregte-organisasie AfriForum het sy regspan opdrag gegee om hofaansoeke teen 43 munisipaliteite dwarsoor Suid-Afrika voor te berei. AfriForum het vroeër ʼn veldtog van stapel gestuur, “Weg met ongekwalifiseerde amptenare” waar sy plaaslike takke bewys van hulle munisipaliteite aangevra het dat amptenare aan die bepalings van die munisipale regulasies uitgevaardig ingevolge die Minimumbevoegdheidstandaarde voldoen. Die amptelike sperdatum waarop amptenare hieraan moes voldoen, was 1 Januarie 2013.

“Ons het die inligting aangevra en verskeie antwoorde gekry. Ons sal die geldigheid van die antwoorde en die bewyse ondersoek. 43 munisipaliteite het egter glad nie gereageer nie. Ons gaan nou 43 aansoeke by die hof indien om die munisipaliteite te dwing om ons van bewyse te voorsien dat hulle amptenare aan die regulasies voldoen of uitstel gegee is om daaraan te voldoen. Indien hulle nie aan die regulasies voldoen nie en nie uitstel gekry het nie, is hulle onwettig in diens en het ons geen ander keuse as om hulle uit hulle poste te laat onthef nie,” sê Ivan Herselman, bestuurder van gemeenskapsportefeuljes by AfriForum.

Die ondersoek na die kwalifikasies van munisipale amptenare spruit uit die gebrek aan dienslewering en die menige klagtes wat van AfriForum-takke ontvang is.

Mense wat by hulle plaaslike AfriForum-tak wil aansluit, kan die naam van hulle dorp na 31336 SMS. SMS’e kos 50c.

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Een kommentaar

Johann ·

Report on Allegations of Nepotism, Corruption, Misconduct and Unfair Labour Practise by Management of Group Finance Department in City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality.

City of Tshwane as an organization that renders service to the community and regarded as number one Municipality in South Africa is blundering on allegations of Nepotism, Corruption and unfair Labour Practise in that correct procedures are ‘not’ always applied especially when it comes to appointing new employees.

This report serves to expose these allegations against management in Group Finance and to request thorough investigation by Mayoral Committee.
Allegation of Nepotism
In Customer Relations Management Division, Contact Centre Operations there were vacancies advertised for Deputy Director Positions. Interviews were conducted and appointments made, the candidates appointment are believed to have relations with members in top management. One of the candidates appointed is the son of the MMC. These Deputy Director positions were not critical. The appointed employees have no work to do and they are being paid on a monthly basis.
Furthermore there was Customer Care Consultants appointed in the same manner as Deputy Directors. A total of 10 new employees have Relations with the MMC, the Executive Directors and other members of top management.
Unfair Labour practise
With reference to the Customer Care Consultants positions a number of candidates who meets the requirements of said positions were not even short-listed to at least be interviewed. This is in contravention of the organizational Staffing Policy. Members who have relevant experience for the job are left in the dark instead of being promoted.
One candidate related to the Executive Director is appointed in two different sections at the same time. During the preparation of this report this candidate is attending credit control training while also appointed at the call centre. How does one person occupy two positions simultaneously??
Employees in the Group Finance department trained over a hundred candidates in the past year but none of those were appointed and here we are speaking of people who are ready to do the job. Now because of this unjustified behaviour by Management, permanent employees have to again train the 10 newly appointed employees. This hinders with service delivery which could have at all cost been avoided.
Why is it that only 20 candidates were short-listed for 10 available positions? This is more of the reason why qualifying candidates were not on the shortlist. This is unbelievably unfair!

Management needs to understand how this organization functions especially on the issue of application of correct Policies and Collective Agreements. They need to refrain from conducting themselves in favouritism of their own people. We believe that these Policies were put in place for a reason and should be adhered to at all times.

In Conclusion
We need to have such behaviours corrected otherwise we are working this organization to the ground. If these matters are not taken on a serious note we are going to end up with offices capacitated by families and relatives of Management.
We trust and believe that an investigation will be conducted, culprits must be brought to Disciplinary and these allegations be resolved as failure to do so will result in this report being availed to the Office of the President, Labour Unions, COSATU and Opposing Political parties.

Feedback is expected within a week.

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